Macktez has a talented, educated, and experienced team.

Michael Horst
Michael has a background in molecular biochemistry and biophysics as well as more than 25 years of experience in cross platform, small, medium, and enterprise technology, and business strategy. The result is a suite of impressively clearheaded troubleshooting techniques on projects ranging from financial planning to sea kayaking.

Noah Landow
Founder & CEO
Noah’s experience in architecture, print and interactive design, network design and installation, and database development provide a foundation for organizing projects and building collaborative teams. He keeps his head on straight by training in a seriously obscure form of aikijujutsu and by serving on the boards of compelling non-profits like UnionDocs.

Reilly Scull
Reilly grew up taking apart every gadget he could get his hands on just so he could put them all back together again. With a degree in Mechanical Engineering, Reilly has always enjoyed using his skills to save less tech-savvy friends from their computer woes. When not in front of a keyboard, he’s racing sailboats on the Hudson and cycling the streets of New York.

Kathryn Lewis
Director of Operations
With over ten years of operations experience and a degree in philosophy, Kathryn is a passionate organizer who loves thinking about how systems, environments, and policies interact with one another and people. At Macktez, she leads Finance, HR, and Operations to ensure our Team can focus on our clients.

Timothy Sanborn
Director of Technology Services
Tim has over twenty years of working in client satisfaction, and more than ten years experience in IT service delivery models aimed at creating accurate documentation and consistently positive user experiences. At Macktez he works to ensure that his team engages effectively and efficiently with clients to resolve any and all technology challenges.

Jeremy Sherber
Director of Client Services
Jeremy has a resume comprised of nonlinear professional assignments: graphic designer, FileMaker Developer, playwright, communications strategist, and political campaign manager. His facility for untangling complications into step-by-step actions binds his past roles together and guides his everyday problem-solving routines.

Jay Ivan
Senior Solution Designer
Jay is a certified FileMaker Developer, with over twenty years of experience developing functional workflows for a variety of industries and extensive experience in art foundation and collection management systems. As a floral macro photographer, poet, and avid swimmer and cyclist, Jay engages his creative temperament to solve stubborn technical challenges.